Ningbo Haimei Malairt Co., Ltd

Mar dèidhinn

Baseing air bathar càileachd, dhùrachdach seirbheis agus àrd-uallach airson a h-uile luchd-cleachdaidh

Ningbo Haimei Malairt Co., Ltd lorg aig cudromach malairt cèin port ann an Sìona-Ningbo, a tha na bhaile agus port leis a tha an dàrna fear as motha math domhainn-uisge a 'chala ann an Sìona. A 'gabhail tlachd gu math goireasach mara, talamh agus an èadhar còmhdhail staid a' toirt cothrom dhuinn a 'solarachadh luchd-ceannach a lìbhrigeadh ann an deagh àm. 


12V LifePO4 Series
12V LifePO4 Series
Lithium iron phosphate battery (LiFePO4)is a new type of lithium ion battery with LiFePO4 as the cathode material and generic backing as the anode. It has strong safety performance, high energy density,low cost and other characteristics, and is widely used in photovoltaic energy storage, communication base stations, ups and other energy storage fields.
Portable Power Supply
Portable Power Supply
Portable power supply series is a kind of portable energy storage power supply with built-in lithium ion battery and can store electric energy. It is equipped with 220 VAC,USB, DC and other modules.The capacity of the external power supply is between 10wh and 3000wh, and the power is between 100W and 3000W. The external power supply can provide convenient power for all kinds of electric equipment, which can be used for rescue. First aid, homework, leisure and mobile office.

Cumail ris a 'mhargaidh-stiùireadh, stèidhichte air bathar càileachd, dhùrachdach seirbheis agus àrd-uallach airson a h-uile luchd-ceannach a bhiodh a' toirt oirnn a bhith agad earbsach Com-pàirtichean ann an Sìona

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